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Robinson De Jesús

5 Business practices once unacceptable are now essentials

Most people have questioned why it was challenging to implement at least one of the modern business practices discussed later in this article. The difficulty was not part of the process but rather a tool used by many business leaders to exercise control over the staff and the processes being managed. 

Traditional business practices suggest that employees should follow the “rule book” implemented decades ago. Here is a reality check: We are no longer living in times where it was impossible to have a productive meeting while being physically distanced. Our busy lives require occasional flexible schedules to maintain a work-life balance. When needed, the proper use of social media can assist us in interacting with our customers. What is ironic is that these and other business practices were perceived as unacceptable or no possible. However, when going through these challenging times, these same business practices are now considered essentials to be able to maintain our business operations. 

Organizations refusing to accept this new reality are facing a great predicament; consider incorporating these and many other modern business practices or close down their operations.   

Let’s review some essential business practices which need to be re-evaluated for potential implementations in the near future. 

Modern Business Practices. –

Telecommuting. Once we set expectations to implement a work from home program, it should just be a matter of monitoring the adherence to the program. Granted, not every business function can be performed remotely; however, a vast majority of services can be partially or fully adapted to a remote environment. Essential business tools needed to perform our jobs include; a computer (desktop or laptop), access to files on a network, a mobile device, an email account, and user credentials. What is interesting is that all of these tools can be used whether you are sitting 10 feet away from your supervisor’s office or 10,000 miles away from your headquarters. 

Business Social Media. – When using social media at work, employees can stay in touch with clients and allow customers to post feedback and information for the company to see. Some of the key benefits to be active in social media include; Build customer loyalty, Prompt and flexibility communication, and promotes two-way communication. 

Flexible Schedule. – Finding the work-life balance can be a challenge, but it is possible. For most of us, we need a source of income and a sense of a healthy personal life. In some cases, we spend more time at work than the time we spend at home, especially for those working 60 hours a week. Occasionally, it should be allowed to shift your 9-5 to a 10-6 or maybe work and extended schedule Monday thru Thursday and take Friday as a comp day. What should matter is the quality of the work performed, not the number of hours spent at our work stations. Besides, procrastination, lack of motivation, a hostile work environment, and other conditions can turn a regular work schedule into a very unproductive workplace. 

Prioritize Functions over Titles (Ranks). – More than ever, it is evidenced that workers tasked with transactional operations and strategic customer-facing responsibilities, can become more productive than disconnected/hands-off manager level staff. During the ordinary course of business, organizations need everyone on the payroll. However, when it really counts, the “working bee” are the ones that pull the weight of the company. Let’s never forget that. 

Relaxed Outfit. – Business attire needs to be commensurable with the work environment. However, there should be some flexibility to trade-in the suit and tie for a more casual outfit on casual Fridays or long Mondays. As long as proper etiquette is maintained and we do not forget we are going to work and not to a barbecue party, we should be able to find common ground on what to wear to go to work while feeling comfortable and relax. Passing judgment on someone because of how they look will only generate a challenging work environment and a distraction for the object of criticism.  

Please note, an employee not worthy of your trust and not accountable for his/her job expectations will perform poorly even though; s/he dresses nice, goes to the workplace every day, has a manager or director designation followed by his her name or never monitors what the market is saying about the organization’s digital presence. When we focused on training and developing our staff, we can rest assured, our most valuable asset our (loyal employees) will guard our business operations regardless of where they might be located.   

For more information about best practices, register at We are here to work with you and to make it better! 


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