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You are making the right decision by requesting our assistance in creating your Written Information Security Plan (WISP). We can help you avoid fines of up to $50,000 per calendar year and stay in compliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) laws and regulations, including publications IRS 4557, IRS 7216, IRS 6713, IRS, and IRS 2007-40. 

Our assistance will include; 

- Documentation of your security safeguards
- Cybersecurity training approved by the IRS
- A risk assessment of your office applicable to your industry
- A data breach and recovery plan
- A business continuity plan
- A personnel and device inventory
- A detailed communication plan to contact customers, vendors, local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies as required by law.
- Key customized backup and restore procedures
- Access to a subject matter expert to answer your questions.

- A review of your professional insurance policy (optional)

Don't wait; this offer of 50% off the regular price will not last!

When ready, complete and submit the following order form to secure your plan and request our consulting services. We are looking forward to working with you.


Written Information
Security Pl
an (WISP)
Order Form

To be completed by the company owner's or an authorized representative

Enter the company's main office information

Cybersecurity Information

Can you identify a data breach?
Have you received cybersecurity training?
Which security controls do you have in your offce?
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